Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What to Know Before You Build

If you run a busy organization, the thought of launching a building project might seem overwhelming.  Maybe you’ve heard stories about design and construction projects where costs run amok, schedules drag out and the building doesn’t operate correctly when you move in. Cost, complexity, risk and busyness are all reasons for putting off the hassle of tackling a building project

Many people believe they have to know what they need before they talk to an architect. In reality there are only four things you need to know before you talk to an architect:

  1. What are the symptoms? -- Doctors want you describe symptoms, not tell them what operation or prescription you think you need.  Architects are the same way.  Tell us what isn't working; what activities don’t have space; whose office is in the former janitor’s closet; what building systems don’t work anymore.  
  2. What are your priorities? – How are the current “symptoms” derailing your strategic objectives?  What are the mission-critical tasks that are hindered by your facilities?  Our diagnosis begins with making sure we understand your mission and strategic plan.
  3. How much can you spend? – Typical operating budgets can’t carry the cost of building.  Having a clear picture of what you can borrow or raise in a capital campaign is crucial. If you don’t know, we can help with rules-of-thumb and our knowledge of the lending market.
  4. How quickly do you need the solution? – The more time you have the more options you can consider.  Acute situations can determine what type of project delivery you choose.  Schedule can shape discussions about renovation vs. building new.

Typically there is more than one building solution for any given set of symptoms.  The right solution will be the one that best addresses your priorities given the time and money you have to invest.

Blue Ridge Architects would love to hear about your aches and pains.  Our prescription pad is ready.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Proud to Provide Design Solutions

Architect Audrey Matlock, speaking at a conference on innovation, is quoted, “Today in the U. S. it’s no longer ‘can-do,’…In other countries, they talk about design ideas.  Here we have ‘design solutions.’”[1] At Blue Ridge Architects we talk a lot about “design solutions” so I felt a bit defensive when I read this. We believe a focus on design solutions, rather than innovation for innovation’s sake is good thing

Our firm values call for buildings to be functional and affordable.  While there may be clients who have the luxury of creating iconic buildings at the expense functionality and affordability, the majority expect architects to be careful stewards of their resources.  It is our attention to function and cost that earns us the right to suggest new forms, materials and approaches to building.

Another of our core values is that buildings should be progressive:

 The desire to see and do things in a new way is a by-product of the hope we all need to live and thrive.  Even as we find formal and symbolic ways to build links to the past, we anticipate the future with better technology and spaces that welcome our changing patterns of living.

Practical design solutions are not the enemy of innovation or aesthetically pleasing buildings.  Rather it is the ability to do both that makes architects a vital part of the building process.

[1] Architectural Record, December 2011